Why am I feeling worse?

I have been in NC from my ex narc for four weeks and one day now. I have read your books among others and am sure this is what my ex is suffering from as well as borderline personality disorder of some form….there are some mental obsessive issues as well. However, even though I know all of this I am feeling worse now than I have ever felt. Why am I missing this person who was so awful to me? The highs and the lows were unbelievable and I am suffering so much because he hasn’t made any attempt to get around being blocked, and the fact that I know he has moved on with one or many women. While I am left in the aftermath and struggling, lonely, scared I will never meet anyone I like again. I am trying to do all these healthy things and even be positive with myself but the loneliness has leaked in and has gotten me down. How can I not feel so low and move on while he has already?


Nov 11 - 4AM
Goldie's picture

You cannot expect to recover from the loss of a relationship